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Danny Dennehy

Published on 06/12/2023

DENNEHY Danny Lesley, wife of the late Danny Dennehy would like to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours for the kind expressions of sympathy and support and for all the cards and flowers received on their sad loss. Special thanks to the staff on ward A31 at FVRH for the care Danny received. Thank you to Celebrant Mary Docherty for the service celebrating Danny's life. Thanks to Dean and everyone at David Henderson Lloyd Funeral Directors for all their help and kindness. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to Kidney Cancer Research and Alloa Dementia Resource Centre. A total of £700 was raised.


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Summerhousechic December 8th, 2023
So sorry for your loss. Danny was a lovely person to know. A good friend of Andrew's from their young days at the Alanpark. He had a great skill of making us laugh, happy in his company. A good friend to know. We had Many a good night in his company. So sorry we were not at the funeral to pay our respects we did not know. Thinking of you all. Andrew and Carol Sharp.